Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Here's my heart, oh take and seal it for Thy courts above

Hello from another great week in Geneva!

This was a relatively busy week, as usual, and my companions and I are enjoying a very welcomed preparation day. I am one of the most blessed missionaries in the France Lyon Mission because I got to be there for President and Soeur Murdock's final words in the Geneva First Ward, where they have been for the past three years. I love them so much, and will always be thankful for the way they have changed my life and taught me in word and in deed. Sacrament meeting was also special because our ami Sampson was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This man is incredible. I talked about him in previous emails as 'David' which we don't call him anymore, because that is the name he associates with his old life and old friends. He is from Ghana, and he has a heart of gold. He has abandoned a life of sin, and has chosen to follow our Savior Jesus Christ forever. He gave a powerful testimony at his baptisimal service. I can't wait to one day tell you his whole story. We are so happy for him.

So, I bet you are all wondering how things went with Lucy. We get to the door at about 8:05 (not too bad since our appointment was for 8! haha) with Bishop Kimball. We hear her thump up to the little peep hole as usual, and we wave at her smiling. She let out one of her classic 'I'm really excited right now' laughs, and opens the door. She has approximately 1.7 bajillion bibles and every Christian talk show dvd that was ever made, and usually these things are alllllll over the place, and they still kind of were, but it was obvious that she made an effort to clean up because when we went in the living room the table was all cleared off, with a stack of four different bibles in the corner (mind you they are all in huge print, so it is a rather hefty stack) and then in the middle of the table she had her Book of Mormon, Gospel Principles Book, and Restoration brochure sitting all stacked up on each other, and next to the pile of Bibles was her favorite Bible, all tattered torn and loved. So great. We started off with a prayer and basically just got straight to the lesson. We explained to her that the Priesthood authority (the power of God given to man to act in His name for the Salvation of His children) of God was lost after the death of Jesus Christ and His apostles. This priesthood is necessary to perform sacred ordinances, such as baptism. Jesus Christ taught us by example and commandment that except a man be born of water and the Spirit He cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He was baptized by John the Baptist, because He knew that He held the authority appropriate. John the Baptist himself appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and conferred upon them the priesthood authority necessary to baptize, called the Aaronic Priesthood. Peter, James and John, the original apostles of Jesus Christ, appeared later and conferred upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery the Melchizedek or higher Preisthood, which was conferred to them by Jesus Christ. Now, every worthy priesthood holder in the Church can trace their authority all the way back to the Savior Himself. She told us she knew what we were saying was true, but she still felt that she needed to read the whole Book of Mormon before making a decision. It was a powerful lesson, filled with the Spirit, and we respected her decision and just left knowing we had done our best, and trusting that the Lord would manifest himself to her.

The next morning, we were just about to begin our companionship study when the phone started was Lucy! (yes dad...I totally screened...)

Me: Hello Lucy
Lucy: HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! (I wish you could hear her amazingly passionate african-ness....just try to imagine it)
Me: Hallelujah???? (Excited, but mostly just wanting to know why she was so happy)
Lucy: I am just REJOICIN' and I have been eva since las' night. I just wanted to call you and tell you that I'm gonna take the baptism!'
My companions and I: Elated cries of joy and fist pumps in the air

Thank you for your prayers of faith that helped bring to pass this miracle, and countless others! Let's keep praying for Lucy that she will go through with her honorable decision. She is really an amazing lady, who has literally saved the lives of MANY in her country through her remarkable faith in the Savior. She recieved her first copy of the Book of Mormon in 1996, and after many years of going to and fro, she just cannot deny that it is the truth, and contends with those that contend with its veracity. She has many stresses in her life right now, and I know that as we continue to pray for her, the Lord will continue to prepare the way for her to recieve these saving ordinances made possible by our Savior who she knows and loves so much.

We are teaching a family from Madagascar! And we are still working with the Portuguese family, we are seeing them a little later tonight. The Hernandez family went on a temple trip to do baptisms this weekend, Ony and Shine are STILL waiting for little baby Ungi to come, and Stephane is doing lots better. We have a lot of potential amis, and we're just excited to keep going.

I love missionary work. I have to be honest, sometimes I forget how much I love is incredibly hard, and there are moments where you really feel like you are just pushed to your limits. But, it is all for a wise purpose under heaven, God wants us to become like Him, and He provided the perfect plan to help us do so. The Savior lives and loves us all, He is cheering for us and our families....let us run towards Him together.

I love you with all my heart.


PS I finally got the camera, and the earrings I got the DAY of my bday. THANK YOU! love love. Have the best week ever!

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