Friday, November 18, 2011

Tout Ira Bien!

Well, she is off to France soon! I will learn her new address and let you know.

BONJOUR! How are you three? I hope all is well and wonderful in your lives. I am having a GREAT last Tuesday at the MTC! Can you believe it? It went by all too fast.
We got our travel plans last week, and it made us all SO excited. That day was also 11-11-11, and at 11:11 one of the districts on our hallways starts jumping up and down the halls saying "onze-onze-onze-onze" hahaha. Some things are only funny/exciting in the MTC. Dad, that's really cool that you ran an 11K that day! And mommy, I'm so sorry about your toe! I'm also sorry that I laughed when I read about's just, I don't know any one else but you or I that could break their toe while teaching piano lessons on a Boggle game box no less. hahahaha. Oh mommy, I hope it feel beter soon, boots are no fun. How are you Spencer? How is work going?  
Now the moment you have been waiting for...YES I do get to call you from the airport! WOOOO!  
I leave monday morning! I can't wait! I have a couple of layovers, so I will call you from one of those. Most likely, I will call you from Chicago around 3:50 chicago time.....but I'm not sure. I could also call you really late that night, or early the next morning. Just be ever vigilant for you phone that day, ok? (This is a bonus phone call for Mom and Dad since the only other times we will get to talk with her on the phone are Christmas Day and Mother's Day.)
I'm thankful for the priesthood we had in our home growing up. I have been studying about the Priesthood a lot this week, and I am just so thankful for it. Wow, I just started typing about prophets and I was having a hard time expressing my testimony about it in English! But, I am thankful to know the pattern of the Lord - He called prophets anciently, and each of those prophets had authority from God to direct His work, and each of them testified of Jesus Christ. I know that Christ did live on the earth, and establish His church and gave His priesthood to the apostles. I know that after centuries of darkness, and confusion, the truth was restored to the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith, and that we are blessed to live in a time where we have a prophet on the earth today, Thomas S. Monson. I am so thankful that the priesthood is again on the earth, and for all of the worthy priesthood holders that have blessed my life in countless ways, and that through the Priesthood we can participate in ordinances, like baptism, that allow us to qualify for eternal life. I know that repentance is real. I know that the Savior's Atonement is more powerful than we imagine, and that He suffered, died, and was resurrected that we may all return to live with God.
My time is almost out. I love you. I think of you. I pray for you. I am trying everyday to be more and more dedicated to this work of the Lord, and to be a worthy and willing servant of Him. He gives me so much peace and assurance.
Never forget He loves you, no matter what.
Love, Soeur Waldron

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Believe in Christ

Today is a great day to be a missionary. So is everyday!

Notable happenings this week: Elder Richard G. Scott gave a devotional about revelation, and testified to us of always having something to write down spiritual thoughts in, and about finding revelation in the scriptures. He had a lot of missionaries participate, and was a wonderful experience. I know that he is an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ here on the earth today, and how powerful it was to hear him give his special witness. I know that Heavenly Father loves us, and because He loves us, He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer and to die for our sins, and open the way for us to come and return to live in God's presence. Just as in days of old, God has blessed us with a prophet in our day, to testify of Christ and speak the word of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that the Gospel was restored by Joseph Smith. We can recieve personal revelation from the Holy Ghost as we pray, read the scriptures, attend Church services, and strive always to follow the commandments, and keep our covenants. Repentance is wonderful!
This week, I studied from the Book of Mormon, King Benjamins address, and next week I will be studying about Abinidai. I am making new language and personal study goals, and am loving French and loving the gospel!
I have to go now, but please know that I love you! Send my thanks to ALL who have been writing me, and I promise that I will write back as soon as I possibly can - but until then, just know how thankful I am for your support and prayers for me and my companion.
Je vous aime toujours!!!
Je sais que Jésus-Christ est notre Sauveur personnellement.
Love, Soeur Sarah Waldron
PS mom - sister Beck came here last week, too! and Also, everyone, sister madsen from danville came to speak in relief society two weeks ago! More on that next time. LOVE!


Sarah was able to go to San Francisco to the French Consolate! Who would have guessed she would take a quick trip home?

Just before entering the MTC

Such a good looking missionary, no?

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!

For some reason, that was the song that I started singing as we walked back to the Missionary Training Center in the wet snow this cloudy provo reminds me of how on of my friends, pretty sure it was megan F, would tell me 'Be your own weather' or 'You make the weather' or something like that. Maybe kelly said that. I don't know, but what I do know is that I love my friends immensely, I think of them (you all) often and what I have learned from you and it brings me strength and comfort. Thank you for your letters, your prayers, and your goodness, and for your light! Let it shine!
Something wonderful about rain is how it makes the earth seem new - I love the smell of the outdoors just after it rains. Newness is a concept that you grow to be very familiar with as a missionary. Each new day is an opportunity to serve the Lord a little more, a little better. Each weakness you discover is a new occasion to turn to the Savior, and experience His Atonement, which allows our weakest qualities to be fortified and strengthened through Him. Each week we partake of the sacrament and renew our covenants. Each day we learn new things. So much is new.
I have a new companionship with the other two sisters in my district, Sister Sabrina Perkins and Sister Lara Ellsworth. I love them immensely and we are having a great time. They make me laugh, and I make them laugh...especially last night when I accidentally prayed for our 'petit amies' (boyfriends) instead of our 'amies de l'eglise' (investigators) hahaha. Speaking of French, please tell Brother Bize thank you so much for his letter! It was wonderful to recieve his encouragement, and to hear it in French! I love the language, and am so excited to continue to improve. I don't have the time, unfortunately, do specifically mention everyone who worte, but please know that every letter is appreciated, THANK YOU!
Sister Dalton, the general president of the young women organization of the church came to speak to us in Relief Society on Sunday, she emphasized the need to have a list of scriptures that bring us strength, I am going to do that, will you do that too?
Watch Mormon messages this week any time you have a moment on, I promise it will brighten your day and you will feel the Spirit of God.
God wants to speak to us, and He will as we seek Him and earnestly strive to align our lives with His will, and eliminate the worldy noise that distances us from Him. He is near. He is aware of us. He works miracles in our day, big and small, and I promise you will see them in your life if your look hard enough. Love life. Love the Lord. Speak to Him, He will listen and respond, in His loving way and time.
Bonne Journee! Je vous aime toujours.
Love, Soeur Sarah Waldron