Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 17, 2012

For my letter this week, I thought that since last week I didn't have much time to write about the work I would just include a little from my correspondences with President Roney over the past couple of weeks. He is a great mission President, and you can see how imporant it is for him to make us feel loved and appreciated. I serve with such incredible leaders, and among such incredible people. I love it here. The Gospel is a gospel of love. Do you remember the Ensign from last September (I think?) which was all about the Book of Mormon? I bought it in the MTC and have been reading it. I love the article by Elder Nelson about how the Book of Mormon shows us God's love. I know God loves us so, and that His plan is perfect, and that all of the promises in the Book of Mormon apply to our lives personally.

One story I alluded to in the letter to president from last week and this week was about Cheng. Last week was his second week at church, and he noticed that we were all dressed nice so he came in his button down shirt. We gave him his chinese Book of Mormon, and by the end of church he had read through first Nephi chapter 10. We taught him afterward, and he said that lately he has been studying a lot about books and how they are written and he just knows that this book is true. He believes it. Last week I explained to him a bit about baptism, and he Googled it throughout the week because he had questions. Yesterday we told him that there would be a baptisimal service on the 13th of October and before we even finished our sentance he said 'could I join on that day?' He is already concerned about how to go to church when he moves back to China in like three years. He is incredible.

I was having a rough morning the other day and I sat down next to a familiar looking girl, but didn't contact her right away because I couldn't figure out if we had already spoken before; and I was a bit grumpy, lets be honest. So, I sit down and five seconds later I hear this 'exusez-moi? Vous etes qui actuellement?' And boom. Come to find out she is also Christian and had just moved to Bordeaux for school and was looking for a place to go to church! It was great. Another time, we walked onto the tram and this Chinese man starts talking to us in English as if we were old friends, and same story...student here, wants to come to church with us. He came on Sunday and was happy to find a couple of his friends in the Talence ward. Chang is so cool. Another day, I sat down, and was again just having a bit of a hard day, and the man across from me says:
'Qui est Jesus-Christ pour vous?'
Me: 'Il est Mon Sauveur et Redempter'
Him : 'Etes-vous sure?'
Me: 'oui.'
Him: 'C'est bon alors. C'est vrai. Et il ne faut pas avoir peur...c'est tres bien ce que vous faites'
Me: (seeing that our stop was coming) 'Je crois que nous devons discuter encore'
He agreed and we taught him at the church last week. His heart was touched and the Spirit testified as we gave him a church tour and the short version of the first lesson. The best part was Soeur Kohler telling the first vision. Was it perfectly pronounced French? No. Was it heartfelt? Absolutely. Did he understand? One hundred percent. He took notes during our rendez-vous and said he considers us his family. We invited him to baptism (not yet with a date, but we will) and I know he is going to recieve answers to his prayers and study the Book of Mormon with real intent.

Another time I was on the crowded tram and had FINALLY found a place to sit, when the Spirit was like 'go a little further' and I realllly didn't feel like it, but I went. And I found her. A woman who had met with the missionaries and long since lost contact. 'Tu sais, ils mavait inviter a lire le livre de mormon et prier et je n'ai j'amais fait.' I know the Spirit led me to this woman. I am excited to speak with her again.

On Sunday we met with a family who gave us their coordonnees after having offered to take their photo for them downtown. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! I have never in all my days of being a missionary felt more like I was at home than I did at theirs, and not just becuase it was a real house...but because it was filled with people who loved each other and filled their family roles. They are going to read to Book of Mormon. Its gonna be great.

Just before coming here I met a Tahitian girl streetboarding (teaching on the street) . At first she was really pressed. At the end, she gave me her phone number and address and said she had been wanting to visit with people like this, and hoped that we could come over every sunday afternoon.

So many miracles, so much grace and mercy. The Lord is so good and I just want so much to be good so that He can accomplish good through me

There are lots of great things to do here in the Lord's vineyard. I am so happy to be a missionary. I am so happy that my parents went to the MTC on Monday, and that we are a missionary family. I love the Savior, and know that through living His gospel the greatest happiness is in store. I am thankful that even though I sometimes feel lonely or doubtful or as if I am failing, the Lord has never left my side and never will. Nothing makes me happier than living the gospel.

Have a great week! Soeur Waldron

A cool miracle from this week. We had confused the name of one of the people we were going to go and teach and we thought he wouldn't come to our meeting and hadn't arranged for a member to come, not wanting them to come for nothing. We called the person and realized it was someone else, and he was on his way to our meetingm and was bringing a friend. We needed a member, pronto. We weren't having any luck, and got on the tram, hoping we could find a solution when over the crowd I saw the face of one of the young adults in our ward who we don't know as well, but who returned from his mission to Albania a year ago. Golden! We waved him down and found out he was on his way home (aka not busy at all) and he agreed to come with us and the lesson was INCREDIBLE! The two guys who came are named Maxime and Constantin, and they really weren't sure what they were getting themselves into at first. But, as we did the church tour, we used the classrooms and the pictures to teach the doctrines of the first lesson, and ended up teaching almost the whole thing while standing. We explained the Joseph Smith story while standing in front of a picture of the First Vision, and I watched them as they stared at the image with real intent and listened carefully to what we were saying. Then, as we explained that God prepared more ancient scriptures to come forth in our days, as a living witness of Christ and of His truth restored, they could barely stand still they were so excited to see what it was. We finally sat down to debrief a little and we continued to answer their questions. We taught them how to pray and knelt together in prayer, and they both commited to read and pray in preparation for our next meeting. And there you have it, two 19-20 year old's sitting in the chapel and speaking and seeking under the influence of the Spirit of God. THIS WORK IS SO COOL!

Did I mention how much I love la Paroisse d'Eysines? A lot. I feel like three hours of church and a linger longer and a ward movie showing of 17 miracles was not nearly enough time for me to love everyone I wanted to. We have an incredible member of our ward named Soeur David who is pretty much becoming our third companion, she is wonderful! We ate at her home my second day here in Bordeaux, and since that moment have been creating such a beautiful friendship as we have shared testimony, taught together, prayed together, she's even been contacting with us! My companion is incredible. I feel a new power in my life as well, knowing that my parents are now enlisted in this great cause full time, too. They had a great week at the MTC and should be in Washington DC by now.

I love the Lord. Sweet is the work.


Soeur Waldron

Friday, September 7, 2012

Spiritual power springs from obedience, not an empty bucket

Hello my dear family,

Thank you so much for your inspiring emails this week, I love and miss you dearly. 

The title of this letter by the way is my new favorite quote from Elder Teixiera. 

Emails are such an interesting time of my every week. I feel like I go through every emotion possible, and usually I feel this urgency to express the deepest sentiments of my heart, and often I leave feeling as though I haven't even scratched the surface. Last week I spent a couple of hours before coming to emails trying to gather together all sorts of notes and things I had taken over the week so that I could share some inspirations with you, but I ended up not having the time to get it all typed out and so that made me kind of sad. I wish I could express with words what great things the Lord does for us and how incredibly He answers my prayers every day, but words just aren't enough, so I will just continue to thank Him and you, and sing praises at every occasion possible. 

So this last week we had some pretty miraculous things happen. Elder Teixiera from the Quorum of the Seventy came to our Zone Conference, and we were all edified so much. He gave us some really special promises, as a Zone, as a district, and even to Sr. Kohler and I as a companionship, concerning our work and our amis specifically. It was really powerful, and we have tried really hard to put into practice the things he has asked us to do and we are being blessed for it. But, the highlight of the week was definitely Kevin. I haven't gotten to talk about him much, but Kevin is just the best. He came right after Zone Conference for his baptisimal interview since our district leader was in town from Agen (prune capital of the world!_ anyway, and oh my goodness it was just so powerful! The Zone leaders gave Kevin a blessing of comfort...he has a lot of concerns for his family and just wanted some comfort before his baptism. I haven't felt the Spirit that strongly since I was in Geneva. IT was incredible. We got to meet one of Kevins nine siblings the next day, and her two littlest children...he has a great family, and they really need prayers. This is a true miracle waiting to happen. When Elder Teixieras family joined the church, there were 42 people baptized by the same companionship. So, maybe that gives you some insight as to why he was so interested in our work, and our investigator with 9 brothers and sisters. Anyway, its a great priiledge to be a small part of this miracle and I know that as we are faithful and obedient the Lord will prepare all things that are expedient in Him. I am excited to see how things will unfold, and just pray that the Lord will make me equal to my task.

Kevin's baptism was great. Sometime I will have to tell you the hilarious mishaps, wardrobe mishaps, lowering water levels in the font while the speaker kept on going and going, and so many other hilarious things that I just can't do justice here. Lets just say Kevin is lucky that he didn't have to get baptized in a dress, ha.

I know God lives and I love His work. I am so grateful to be here in Bordeaux. Yes, this is probably the most beautiful city I have served in yet. Although, they are all beautiful in their own ways, I love it here. I am so proud of you, mom and dad, and your decision to serve the Lord. I have several things I want to mail to you but I am afraid it wont get there until after you leave so maybe you could give me your address in dc. I need to give that to the mission office anyway, HAVE A GREAT TIME AT THE MTC! On Monday I will give you some secret tips, like how to find the cream soda tree, and narnia holes, and what to eat in the cafeteria. I think dad that you will actually have your own gym! Seriously, you two are going to be heros....I love senior missionaries. I was really sad to leave geneva for a lot of reasonsm but one was because I didn;t get to stay longer with the Cairns from scotland. There is another senior couple here named the Duleys that are so incredible, I had a sleepover with them when I was new and they just had a baptism last week of a man who has been married to a member for YEARS and they just basically loved him into the gospel. Did you know that brother perry's (from our ward in alamo) parents are serving in Nice? I met them on sunday.

I want copies of your farewell talks! 

ok, well I love you. I know that the gospel is true, and that obeying God's commandments is the way to freedom, happiness, and peace. I know that our family will be together forever if we choose so. I love the Savior. I love you! GODSPEED! thanks for answering my prayers each week you write me


PS this week I am memorzing all of our missionary scriptures from our plaques :) ONWARD EVER ONWARD as we glory in His name! Let us declare with boldness the gospel every day! WOO!